Their surname Wuth

discussed and covers scientifically. 

What does your name mean? 

Where does the name come? 

Where is your name spread essentially?

While the familyhistory return sources often only few centuries, the surnames are rooted in earlier time. One has not marked therefore to injustice the name as oldest testimony of the family history.

Iit can information give over profession, home or appearance of the ancestors to the time the Festwerdung of the surnames. Before everything the language form, particularly the origin - and profession names, as well as sound status and word composition of the names generally admit conclusions in the dissemination area and with it on the origin of the ancestors a Namensträgers. Similar counts also by the Christian name, which were spread scenically differently, and themselves in addition also in the individual religious spheres of influence differently engineered. Also here dialectal forms are to be observed, the conclusions on the origin admit. Other name are, chiefly through excursion, largely been transformed, in that they were adapted, for different reasons, to the new environment. One of the most frequent causes the Namenswandlung is ultimately the altering of the notation, which to in that 19. Jh. was in permissible. 


The surname Wuth similarly like Wuthe, anger, refers in the bulk to the place-names Wutha or Wuthenow. If of these places meant is one, which originates from one or has at least relation there.

But also Shortly - or Koseformen from the old person name Wudger or Wodger can with hineinspielen; to it many reshapes such as: Wutha, Wuthe, Wothe, Wude, Wuhd, Woth, Wooth, Wudt, Wutth, Wuttke, Wuttig, Wutz. 

Occasionally the name rests also on the old adjective wuot = excited, wildly, grimly. 

Name species:

Place-name, attests through
Wutha in Thuringia; Wuthenow / Neuruppin.

First name, Wudger - Wodger, today no more commonly

Übername, after a property.


The notation Wuth is spread predominantly in Brandenburg and Thuringia.

Authentic evidence are e.g.:

1364 Berthold von Wutha / Thüringen (Ortsname) ©2001 HPW;

1406 der Wute zu Barth / Pommern (Übername);

1452 Ritter Hans von Wutha erhällt den Schunkenhof ©2012HPW

1608 Nickel Wutth (Wudt), Neubürger Stadt Weimar ©2001 HPW;

1623 Simon Wutenow, zu Neuruppin (Ortsname);

1681 Jacobus Wuth, Madelungen bei Eisenach ©2001 HPW;

1750 Drejack Wuthe, Beeskov / Brandenburg;

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